Well that's the nicest job at photoshopping I've ever seen. Cause I'm pretty sure it's impossible for 17 year olds to have a body like that. (cough, JAILBAIT)
Oh, please, please let this be photoshopped. I have a thing about a man's hipbones and when they look as good as they do here, my thoughts turn to what those hips could be doing...Wait, where was I? Right, please let this be photoshopped! I don't think I can handle thinking such thoughts about a 17 year old.
Okay, the photoshop job I'd really love to see is Rob Pattinson's head on top of that bronzed body... Is it me or does his crotch look like it's on fire. Oh yeah, he's seventeen, it is on fire!
I'm just wondering what breed dog is he and if he needs a home? Let it be known that I let my dogs sleep in bed with me and I don't mind dog breath if their super-cute.
Well, well, well, I knew you were a poser.
What?! Who wrote that? My computer has been hacked! I swear! *whistling dixie*
Morning ladies and *cough* Jacob, what a lovely sight to wake up to!
I'm not sure about the US but in the UK,age of consent is 16, so in theory it's ok to druel over this heavenly body??? It's soooooooo wrong!! But looks sooooooo good.
I'm off to church now, think 100 hail mary's and 50 our father's, will do it........
After fighting with my 'inner' demons, I have come to the conclusion the boy has to put his clothes back on!
What would his mother be thinking right about now, if she saw this???
morning and mmm,not totally sure about him being so young or him siply being Jacob but thats such a nice vision *sights* ;o)
I've always been clear that I am 100% Team Switzerland! And man, Switzerland has neverlooked so good! Mmm, he can hump my leg any day!
It's really hard to be a commited Team Edward-supporter with this kinda pic flashing my eyes. My beloved Edward, I will need some dazzle to get me out of my confusion.
But still, now it will be really hard to keep up the "just-good-friends"-act....
Are U sure that's not Jakobs head on Edwards body??!? *wishfulthinking*
um.........in my head..he is like 20 something..so it is ok..hahahahahaha lol I heard that was ryan reynolds body. To catch a predator is going to get me..lol lmao at crotch on fire..haha HEY BACK OFF SPANK!!! JASPER IS YOURS..JACOB IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont allow dogs in my house..but for him..i would so make the exception..hehehehehe *cries* spank is trying to steal jake from me...*pouts* ahhhahahhahahahhahahahahha dont make me go after jasper..i'll do it! lol OMG..i luv me some wolf pack..looking forward to ALEX MERAZ..ahhhhhhhhhhh
I can't think about a 17 year old...it makes me feel dirty!
**runs to take a shower**
So does that 'workout' picture post a few weeks ago...CRAP
**runs to take ANOTHER shower**
Okay, all clean now, I'm gonna stop while I'm ahead! (Jailbait!)
Oh you naughty girl!! But then...damn we really ARE too much alike lol
I'd happily take a hot Taylor/Jacob...that's if my Jacksper doesn't mind sharing...me, that is!! XD
...That's just...SO HOT!
Now that's a hot Jacob pic, and that is the first time I have EVER thought that about him ;)
Good job with it, he even has the wolf-pack tattoo on his arm. Surely that must be the only tattoo on that body... right?
ARGH, I need a Jasper fix ;)
Jailbait jailbait jailbait!!!!!!!
Holy crap.
That should be illegal, and he really should keep his clothes on. Because the thoughts I'm having are not befitting a 40-year-old mother of two!
Hey, Im only 22, so is that really jailbait? I dont think so..lol Now lets have a shirtless Edward and shirtless Jake and compare? Lol
i love this post! Rain i am right there w/ ya. *weak in the knees* over those hips..gah!! damn *shaking head to kick the fantasy* ok seriously i gotta go cant look at that bod ne more or i may.......
oh sorry got distracted LMAO
great post girls! (ps im am Team Edward 100%)
Those hips.... make a girl go week in the knees ahahah I don't think this is photoshop...at least his muscles are supposed to be real seen as he did work out like crazy to buff up for his role!!! But god...put ur clothes back on ur killing me with the hips!!!! :P I'm only 19 so thats 2 years difernce doesnt make me feel so naughty HA
love u girls!!!
xoxo Fran
you guys are ssssoooo wrong for that pix...Ill file it away for major drooling 2 years from now....
Even if it were photo-shopped... Taylor, earned his body with some serious discipline... so this picture cant be too far from reality
I kinda think this is photoshopped. It just doesn't look right. But he really does look like this, just more muscle. Yeah, his arms are a lot bigger than this.
But it's still nice to look at!
I looked it up, I'm officially one day older than him. I'm so SET!
Oh yeah! bring on that bad boy I can teach him a few tricks I bet hes never thought of!
Like Roll over and let me have my way. MUA HAHAHAH!!!
I am team Edward, Because I'm not Bella. If Edward is too "in-love" to have me, I could settle for Jacob ;D
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