Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The League of Extraordinary Twilighters

We are four superheroines who discuss all things Twilight, with a healthy dose of humor and sarcasm.

Spank Ransom: Spank lived under a rock called reality until one glorious day when her friend Ginger gave her copies of Twilight and New Moon just before the movie was released. Edward Cullen had her at "hello" (Twilight, page 43, to be exact) and she was completely and irrevokably hooked. It was also during that time that Spank's preschool aged children began fending for themselves and Spank's husband learned that if he wanted clean boxer shorts he needed to go to the store and buy them. When Spank is not dissecting all things Twilight with her Twilight-Headed Partners in Crime she is reading about it (or reading it) or sending telepathic messages to Stephenie Meyer demanding that she finish Midnight Sun. Spank enjoys dropping Twilight-related quotes in her daily conversations to weed out the undesirables who just don't get it, and frequently speaks in the third person. Spank would like to take this opportunity to thank Rob Pattinson's parents for having him.
My superpowers: Repelling Reality; Telepathy.

Rain Storm: I first read the Twilight series last August. And then I read it again. And I've now read it more times than I can count (although I often skip New Moon). My toddler-aged son knows the book cover for Twilight, and can also recognize Rob & Kristen in any photo. My husband has accepted that whenever I have the chance, I will be reading Twilight, or listening to the soundtrack, or watching the movie (while the house quickly degenerates into a hot mess).

Basically, I'm Team-Edward, completely Robsessed, have a soft spot for Emmett (a very soft spot), and love to talk Twilight with the girls on the League. I'm so excited that they asked me to join them and live out my dream of becoming a superhero. If I can't be a vampire, then being a superhero is the next best thing.
My Superpowers: Harnessing the power of lightning; Power of persuasion.

Ginger Swan: Doing my best to draw as many people into the world of Twilight. (you're welcome, Spank) My husband (Mr. Ginger) worked on the Twilight movie so I was privileged enough to get some inside info. I read the Twilight series in September 2008, after learning that Mr. Ginger was scheduled to work on the movie. Mr. Ginger and I have three kids. I'm doing my best to raise them right by educating them about Twilight. I am Team Edward, of course. Not so fond of K.Stewpid.

My superpowers: Being an insufferable know-it-all; communicating with animals.

Meadow Cliffdiver: Hello readers! I love to read. I love to obsess about things. I love unattainable goals in male literary figures. Stephenie Meyer couldn't have written a more perfect mix of the above things even if she'd interviewed me. (Lets be honest here, having Robert Pattinson play Edward on screen doesn't hurt the obsession factor, either.) I can (admittedly) be quite snarky, but don't let that scare you. I promise I don't bite.
My superpowers: Biting sarcasm strong enough to make grown men cry; hyperbole



(Spider was one of the co-founders of Twilight-Headed but is now retired.)

Spider Monkey: Well... what can I say. I'm not a "reader" in general but I was captured beyond control when I first read Twilight. The rest is history! And now I live my life with THE superpower of managing to fit in the time necessary to re-read the Twilight series, Youtubing endless Rob/Twilight clips and spending time searching for meadows... waiting for him. He never shows. I also love to do reckless things like driving over the speed limit (mildly) hoping to hear his voice. It never comes. But still, I have hope! Other hobbies include bookstore visits to see if there are any new and tacky Twilight things to purchase. Going on Cafepress to buy a new tee. It's the little things in life... It's the Twilight things in my life that give me great pleasure!
My superpowers: Vertical climbing; shirking responsibilities.