When we talk about Emmett we always speak about his physical strength but what about what a strong and solid outlook he has on eternal life. Throughout the series you get the sense that nothing rattles him -- not being transformed ("Hell's not so bad if you get to keep an angel with you"), not being threatened with what seems like certain death and not even spending eternity with Rosalie (who may have the face of an angel (in the books, anyway) but is quite the handful). The depth of his character gets overlooked by his intimidating stature but it's time to undress the clown and see what lies beneath (not THAT kind of undressing, Rain!)
Oh I totally loved Emmett and his fun loving self in the book! Except in Breaking Dawn when he cheered for the Gators. I almost phased and threw the book.
I say it's great to be a Gator hater....
I always sort of cast Emmett the dumb blond. Emmett is the Jessica Simpson of Twilight to me. C'mon, you thought so too, admit it!
Finally! Some League Love for my Monkey Man! I think Emmett is a great character - he's just a fun-loving guy (who happens to be incredibly hot) and I'm really attracted to that (especially the incredibly hot part). If I could bundle up the romantic (and incredibly hot) parts of Edward with the fun (and incredibly hot) parts of Emmett - well, clearly he'd be the perfect man! Er... I mean vampire.
Oh my.... finally some praise for the monkey man!! In seeing Kellan play Emmett, I don't think I could picture another actor playing the part. I think that he was awesome at playing the part that he was given. I just think that it sucked cutting out all the great parts that the book should have allowed him to play. Wouldn't you ladies have loved to seen Emmett restraining Bella in the jeep after the baseball scene???? Things like the important parts make an audience love the characters more. It's a good thing that he's soooooooo hot or we probably wopouldn't have remembered his almost non existent lines in the movie.
I loved Emmett in the book, and casting Kellan, well that is one thing CH got right in the movie.
I am disappointed at how MR wrote the scripts (aren't we all?) and didn't capture book Emmett at all. I hope that in Eclipse & Breaking Dawn that his fun loving, extremely optimistic view on eternity will come through. I'm not the most optimistic person, I honestly think that it takes a very strong (mentally and spiritually)person to keep that sort of outlook on 'life'.
Ay, Papi that boy is SMOKIN'. Have you guys seen the Hilary Duff video he's in? With the elevator? **drool**
Yes, what is up with all the "other" characters getting the snub in the Twilight movie? Hopefully things will change going forward. And to touch on something Spank said, why the F did they cast that woman as Rosalie??? The most beautiful woman in the world??? Not even close...
YAY TEAM EMMETT! ill be honest here. as much as i love edward, in real life i usually prefer the emmetts. in the looks and the personality department. i like the funny hot football player types.
also, great to know ya'll are gator haters! go noles!!
I love me some Emmett right behind Edward. :) Monkey man... love it. I really do hope they let him talk more than like three lines in the next movies. I always felt bad that he never really got to say anything much.
I would have to agree with the rest of you all. I was disappointed when they didn't allow Emmett's character to come out more. I also like his outlook on like and how he just takes it as it comes. Has a great sense of humor and is a really strong vamp.
Oh yeah, did I not mention how awesome he looks too.
When you think about it, like none of the Cullens really got any face time in Twilight. They get like one, two lines.
I'm so loving Kellan as a brunette. @HappyHourSue I saw Hilary's video early when it came out, and my friend was the one that recently reminded me that it was Kellan! I was like what????
Emmett's character in the book is so easy to love. When they do BD into the movie, I'll be looking foward to the arm wrestling scene right when Bella becomes a vampire. They better not cut that out!
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