Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Kristen Stewart seems to be having a difficult time juggling her on-screen identities, as seen in this photo where she "slips" into her role as clumsy Bella Swan while playing the part of Joan Jett.

Looks like someone switched to Team Jacob. *wink*

She likes it ruff, ruff.

Perhaps she just found Jesus?

Or she could be praying toward Mecca.

Or lost her contact lens?

It is possible that she's just fallen in love.



leslie said...

ROTFLMAO! You ladies crack me up once again.

Maybe KStew dropped her MTV Movie Award and she's looking for it.

Ninja Fanpire said...

She's frustrated that Rob isn't there.

Toeknee said...

awww Spider! I was counting on you to make some sort of a piss ant remark :(
When I saw this, I had to show my best friend and we nearly wet ourselves laughing.

That's what she gets for thinking she's super cool. :|

Anonymous said...

No...the best part was her reaction to falling!!

She was jumping around having a little whimp moment almost as if she'd cut off a finger or something!! Funniest thing I've seen in a long time!

And all of it happened cos she got excited about running down the street...dare I say...LOSER!!

jldisneyjunkie said...

LMAO! I think Ginger and Spank are right! I think she switched Teams!

She is Team Jacob and she likes it ruff ruff!

lickhimright said...

Maybe she is just waiting for somebody to walk up behind her and... oh hell... sorry... dirty mind here...


JoJo_KK said...

Always knew she like'd a good doggy style...........obv Edward isn't her first choice, judging by this picture!

Wheaty's Girl Creations hearts twilight! said...

um...so exactly what is wrong with being Team Jacob and liking it ruff ruff..<---cause I am and I do!!!!! and proud of it! lol That is a funny pic..i cant wait to see what in the hale she was actually doing..or wait..do i really want to see that movie..i cant say i am excited. lol But i do love laughing at bella/kstews clumsiness. hehehehehhehe

Erin said...

Who is she running from?

This is a funny pic though.

@Lady Hale, here is the video again, its even funnier than the pic! :)


Leigh said...

I don't know why you ladies are all so convinced that you have to be Team Jacob to like it doggy style. She's just remembering the last time she saw Rob. *wicked grin*

And yes, I totally retired JUST so I could harbor my love of Robsten in peace. ;)

Gingersnaps said...

LMAO Meadow. Yeah, I seem to remember something about Rob and doggy style...

Anonymous said...

I miss Meadow (sniff).

Anonymous said...

Hi League!

Gawd! This MADE my day - the piss ant "cissing the concrete"!

@lady hale - we must be twins!

Leigh said...

@Anonymous I miss you too! Even if I don't know who you are. ;) But really, I do miss all you lovely ladies and of course the League. I'm glad I can pop in from time to time and leave some comment love.

Gina said...

@meadow!!!!! So great to see u stop in and say hi!!!! Miss you!
Funny video and pic ladies! Lmao then feeling a teeny TEENY bit sorry for her. Well, at least for once I am glad to NOT be in her shoes.

Caitlin said...

HOLY CRAP that was hilarious!!! I died!!! But I do feel bad for her because I have so done that before and it hurst SO BAD. Like it stings forever. and your bones shock althe way up to your elbows.

But it was SO HER FAULT! Jumping around while running, shouting "YES!" after the cut. How silly!

Did anyone else notice how she runs like a handi-capped duck?

I might run like though, so I don;t think I'm oging to say anyhting else aobut that.

Bramblemoon Farm said...

I think perhaps she is just a dumb ass... BAHAHAHAHAHA