Slightly more rare than sightings of El Chupacabra... K.Stewpid was actually smiling for the Paps in L.A. Hmmm... what could possibly be making her so happy? (cough, Robschlong)
This is exactly why I'm pro-Robsten. When she smiles she doesn't look like a grumpy stoner. She looks like a girl in love. Rob is obviously a good influence on her.
My guess is that the paparazzi were shouting "Kristen, do you love Rob? Are you and Rob dating? Do you miss Rob?" It's obvious that she can't help but smile when she hears the name Rob Pattinson. I mean, really... can you? Yeah, me either. *smile*
Y'all know I couldn't make it through an entire post without complaining though, right? I dig the smile and can understand the messy-hair walk of shame look she's imitating from Rob. But I'm not so much about the knotted tee. Kristen, 1992 called. It wants it's bad fashion statement back.
We could be way off base here. Perhaps she just had a fifteen minute phone call with Geico and got the great news that she's going to be saving 15% or more on car insurance. Makes sense, right? We know she drives a high risk piece of shit truck.
you can't make me like her-- a year of smiling photos wouldn't change my mind.
I AGREE WITH imbeingheldhostage
wait..who is holding you hostage..I just may be jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not pro robsten!! and you cant make me become pro robsten!! *stomps feet* yes, i just stomped my feet!!!!
She does look a hell of a lot better when she is smiling though. :)See, I can smile too...but my smiles are strictly for sten! lol
"Perhaps she just had a fifteen minute phone call with Geico and got the great news that she's going to be saving 15% or more on car insurance. Makes sense, right? We know she drives a high risk piece of shit truck."
yeah, I can't see to understand the knotted t-shirt either, in fact it looks like she's wearing a t-shirt over a knotted t-shirt.
And she does look a lot less like a moody spoiled teenager when she smiles (though she is a moody spoiled teenager)
Still don't like her anymore than I did before mind you...
Ok you guys... First I would like to inform you that I am sitting behind a wall... ducking for cover...
I like her in these pics... and I am pro Robsten... because Rob is pro Robsten and I want him to be happy. He would be much happier if he were with me of course or even better with the whole RavisHim Team... or even MORE better... with all the RavisHim Team AND the whole League!! Yeah!!
But... if he wants Kristen, she is what he should get.
i thought maybe she's smiling because she just smoked one in the car and has a case of the giggles.
And although she looks loads better when she smiles. I hate her more because she can wear tight jeans without ANY belly fat hanging over the edge of her jeans.
I am quacking up! get to the other side..
@Mystify Me - Yep, it's a duck. ;)
@Kmoye - I'm with you on that. I threw 3 pair of pants on my closet floor this morning until I found one that STILL fits me. I'm ready to pitchfork any skinny bitch after that.
@lickhimright - Since the moment Rob laid eyes on Kristen she is who he wanted. Now had he laid eyes on Spank (ahem, when her pants still fit her) we may be arguing whether I'm worth his time (for the record, yes, I am) but since it didn't turn out that way (thanks, Mom, for not having me in 1988) I am happy for Rob and therefore decidedly Team Robsten. Plus I think they are cute together. *ducks from Spider's bitchslap*
@imbeingheldhostage, wheaty's girl and Jen - That's why The League is the happiest place on Earth (next to Rob's bed). We welcome Team Robstener's and Anti-Robsteners. You can love Edward or *gag* the dog. All views are welcome and appreciated. And Spider will surely have your back for your stance on Kristen (sorry, Spider, I meant to say "piss-ant").
Spank <3
Meadow - I just *knew* it would be you who noticed the knotted shirt. (I did too)
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for him being happy and if he makes her happy blah blah blah lol
I'd just rather he was happy with me than her *shrugs*
Yeah, we all wish Rob was with us, but every time I hear someone say his name I do smile...
That must be the key to getting KStew to smile :)...she is pretty when she doesn't look like a stoner.
Oddly enough when I saw these pics I was like awww she's kinda cute.(I think I have to wash my mouth with soap for saying such evil things) Then I clicked a link and saw her stupid ass scowl on another site and the feeling immediately dissipated. I still dislike her with a vengence. It's the acting, I just can't get over her horrible acting skills, she just shames the whole acting community if she thinks she's doing well.
Seriously - why is Miss Thing all about showing her belly lately? I mean, she's skinny, but she ain't no Cam Giagante - Gigatent -Gicante- ugh.
Kstew is growing on me and I am pro Robsten. I'm glad to finally see her smiling!
til rob comes out and officially says he is dating her..and that he is happy..still gonna be anti-robsten!!..but if he does come out and says that..I too will say I am happy for him....til then..still stomping my feet at this whole robsten idea! lol
Looks like she could use a Zoom dental treatment. Now that we see those little toothies, they're a bit on the "off white" side -
So who Is being 'knotty'??? lol
@mystify me - I don't see anything when I click that link. What's the picture of?
@Anonymous You have to copy and paste I think.
It's a picture of Kristen with a black hoodie and a checked shirt almost like Rob's!
But of course she has a little knot tied up front! lol
Don't want to be a wet blankent but...She is a cute kid. Just a regular American teenage girl, no make up needed to shine and awkward as hell sometimes. Not much different than my 18 year old. Who knows how anyone of us would act if cameras were always following us or strangers yelling for your attention and constantly invading your privacy. We might just some anger issues too.
Oh @Spank
I so know how you feel. They do look cute together. *damnit* But since I can't have him...Well technically I could since he's at least legal age...I'm just a tad bit older than him. I do so want him to be happy and if Kristen (notice KRISTEN and not kstewpid - this is HUGE for me!) makes him happy, well then whatever it takes. But pitchfork will fly if she hurts him! *smiling sweetly*
@The League
It is so good to see her smile, tho. Why she actually has teeth, I never noticed with all her frowning!
I knew she was allergic to oregano, let's hope she doesn't go back!
Hey Reely!!! :)Where ya been???
I just saw a pic of Kris with her Joan Jett hair.She looks exhausted. And again 'the knot'.
Well looks like it will be the new thing, whether we like it or not!!! knot...not...knot...
What a World! What a World!
Maybe she's on her way to Hooters for her 8-2 shift? Oh --- wait---- you have to HAVE Hooters to work there! My Bad!
Don't like her, will never like her, she can paint "Joker" smiles on her face!
Ha @beesue! Perhaps Chucky Cheese then?
Kstew is growing on me, especially when I see pics like these and after her adorkable stint on MTV music awards....I think she happy b/c she's finally able to work the Joan Jett bio pic.....
Bob's Big Boy?? Oh no not that!!! lmao
@misty - YOU CRACK ME UP!!!
i'm here. i'm here. been busy in my "other" life. or was it "after" life. mahahaha
Bob's big boy? bite.ur.tongue! She can't work there if I'm the mgr! *wriggly eyebrows*
hooters? mmm. yea, hooters jr? hooters preschool? oh i'm just getting too mean here aren't I? *evil grin*
mmm. i can't do it - i have to say it....kaystoopiiiD! especially if she blows him off again. but i'll be there to take over so who cares?
There I feel better now!
You guys rock. This is such good commentary.
She's cute when she smiles. Dunno she doesn't do it more often.
But it may really be how much she saved. I's that a great deal? lmao
Man, she should really smile more often.
Maybe she found out that Oregano didn't steal her stash when he moved out... well or maybe it's the Geico thing. Who knows??
Okay it's almost beddy -bye time in Ontario Canada and I haven't eaten.I've had a terrible arguement with Mom who is rather elderly. She says Rob is homely, scruffy and has weird eyes!! *Them's fightin' words* She says now that Peter fellow is very nice.
Well I adore P.F. but..argh..she's gone to bed and has shut the door.
I'm going to chalk it up to dimentia..yeah..that's I'm Mysty now am I ...okay. :) on southpark..they call hooters raisins..hahahahahaha
haha @MystifyMe yep..has to be dementia!! lol
Well, I'd love to have her flat stomach and small butt, so I can't complain about the tied tee. BAHAHAHAHAHA I'm thinking she's smiling because she's actually NOT high and is in wonder of the world around her when it's not fuzzy. Hey, it could happen!
Kstew had just better be grateful for what she's got! (Rob) Or we will all beat her down!
I love these pics of KStew. I think she can be soooooo pretty when she's not high or sulking.
As for the rumors of her riding the Vampire Pony? I think it'd be cool for them to be together, however, if they hook up they better stay together until ALL the movies are filmed or else it may wreck the chemistry they have on screen. I know from experience that if you have to act opposite someone you previously bedded it's never good for the movie.
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