Monday, November 2, 2009


Spunk-Ransom and Twitarted

Okay, so I saw this on Twitter the other day and had to share. Half of me is all "OMG that's hysterical!" and the other half of me is all "I am too old to be saying 'OMG.' And also, Edward's mouth on my crotch is kinda creepy." Guess which half is winning? *wicked grin*

At least they could have chosen a picture of him with his mouth open. What?!

Do they come with absorbent lining to draw the moisture away quickly?

Some girls and I on Twitter are thinking of opening a Cafe Press store with this concept. There will be tongue represented. Who's in? *grin*

Well if Edward is on my crotch with his tongue represented doesn't that mean he's in #wearingunderpantsinsideout

Um, no. You have to buy that part separately from an adult specialty store.

*shrugs and goes back to bed with Jasper and the Vamp*

Does this come with a matching bra? Like Edward's hands as the cups?

Okay, seriously, I think I'd spontaneously combust if we combined Rob's hand-porn with lingerie. Meadow = dead.



KatOfDiamonds said...

These beautiful creations were brought to life by the jokes of the ladies at TWITARDED:

Read this post about the origins of these Pattinson Panties... These ladies are WORTH the follow =]

N/A said...

When a friend of mine told me that a pic I posted of Rob on facebook required a towel to wipe up with...I suggested a Shamwow. Then we decided on an entire line of Rpattz inspired undies with Shamwow liners called Robert Pantiesons.

Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie, I'd rock the creepy underpantz with matching fingerporn-cupped bra to the NM premiere. Oh stop it, you know you would too!

Unknown said...

@KatOfDiamonds Don't get your panties in a wad. *wink* We didn't know the source when published. This photo has been regenerated all over the blogesphere and Twitterverse. We are glad to know that it was our friends at Twitarted whom we love and affiliate with and they will be given due credit. Thanks for letting us know.

Anonymous said...

Hello League!

Yeah those panties are great! @Meadow, tongue crotch would rock!

@bri - *respectfully bows*- please send 5 pair Robert Pantiesons! Extra absorbent shamwow liner, thnx!

lickhimright said...

Umm... I need 5 pairs too please.

One for every @Ravishim member.

Yeah, and make that extra absorbent cause after this fuckhawt day today... we're gonna need it.

KatOfDiamonds said...

@Spank ^.^ As much as I love the Spunk-Ransom webbie, figured I'd try to clarify with those who'd actually listen to me

=] keep up the amazingness ladies <3