Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just A Walk On The Beach

Can this enchanting sand between your toes moment be more horrible, on her part? "Well, I wanna know".... What is with that falsetto voice, it's downright creepy from piss ant!

Ok, don't kick me out of The League or anything, but you know I liked Kristen Stewart as Bella. (as opposed to Kristen Stewart as Kristen Stewart, which I'm not so fond of) This scene didn't really bother me, except for Jessica Stanley screaming as she ran by. I found that annoying.

Jessica Stanley was another good casting choice. As in, everything she did was irritating. I thought this scene didn't really play up the whole "Bella-flirting-for-info" thing, though. It needed some hair-twirling or something.

I loved Taylor-Jacob as a FRIEND. I thought he was cute in the entire movie. Of course he wasn't trying to force himself on Bella, so that might affect my view of Taylor-Jacob when he's in Eclipse.

I am about to admit something here. Oh God forgive me ... I actually thought Jacob was endearing in this scene. I particularly liked when he said "or came back" with a little head nod. Did I just say that? Who put the imperius curse on me?

Meadow, please check Spank. Are her eyes glazed over? Because I think maybe someone DID put the imperius curse on her for saying she liked Jacob in that scene.

**waving hands in front of Spank's face** Hmm... She's not responding. I think she needs some Rob Pattinson therapy, STAT.


Jacob is a dirty disgusting dog with rabies who should be sent to the dog pound. The very idea that he shares your air space with you is deeply offensive to me. However, I know that I disappointed you, Rob, so if you feel the need to punish me... my name IS Spank, you know. Just sayin'.

post signature


~Jamie said...

I felt the same way about no flirting thing... what was with that anyway?

But, What was that thing they were running around with on the beach behind them? The first time I thought it was a giant sea snake... but it couldn't be a giant sea snake, right?

JustMe said...

I Actually like Jacob.....
But i like Edward too!
So dont worry!!
and Rob Pattz...... and Taylor Lautner so no biggie either way.

Erin said...

@Spank, you crack me up! Love the last comment to Rob...

Anywho...I was wondering the same thing about the flirting...maybe if there was more than the 'nonchalant' walk on the beach and no screaming we would have seen (ahem...) dare I say it a smile out of Bella.

I did like Taylor-Jacob in the scene though (Rob, sorry...You're still the best!)

I hope their 'walks on the beach' get better...there are several in New Moon!

BeCullen said...

Spank had me at spank...ohh my

Bramblemoon Farm said...

Geesh, Spank I thought I was on another blog. It frightened me for a moment. I thought this scene was okay, but she didn't do the flirting thing well at all. I like K. as Bella for the most part- I like Jacob too. I am Switzerland. Not that I, for even a moment, thought she should go with Jacob instead of Edward. BAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That thought makes me hysterical. But I like him. He's a big ole comfy dog, except when he's hitting on her instead of being a big brother. I'm reading Eclipse again right now. Just got through with the bed/ring part. Sigh.

-CB said...

You girls are too silly. ;P

Erin said...

@Brenda Jean I'm re-reading Eclipse as well...I just got to the I am Switzerland/first bed scene... (sigh)
(Jacob is getting on my nerves already)

I forgot to put that it was a Sea Cucumber that Jessica was screaming at :)

LeLe said...

You ladies are too much! That picture of Rob with the caption totally cracked me up b/c that is something I would say to my husband! Haha. Being disappointed makes people feel WAY guiltier than being mad...

Anonymous said...

haha Ginger! " (as opposed to Kristen Stewart as Kristen Stewart, which I'm not so fond of) "
LOVE THAT and 100% agree

Unknown said...

This still you captured of that movie scene is so funny. You can see Jacob's lower teeth as if he was about to bark or howl. Oh God I'm so bad...poor Jacob takes so much abuse, but I can't help it, I'm on Team Edward.

Driguerra said...


*Yes!!I knew it*

I knew that very deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep
inside you Spank was that little piece of puppy love in you....


I did not like the screaming, and did not like the script for the scene...sadly there are many scenes in the movie were the script made me roll my eyes and butchered Stephenie's quotes, but we are not talking about Melissa here so...Jacob was so covered up that I was not able to really see any expressions coming out. I guess the cold did not help him on that scene either ..... over all I give it a 7 :D :D

Sue Wilkey said...

Kristen, do you not know how to flirt? You're an ACTRESS for Christs sake. UGH.

Anyhoo. I have a prediction. Taylor Lautner actually is a very good actor. And his new buff bod is looking SICK. I predict that there's gonna be a lot of confused Team edward girls (Rob forgive me) once new moon comes out.

Just sayin.

Christy said...

I just don't get why they had to be walking so close to each other. They were practically making out.

Natalia said...


Re-vamping New Moon for a third time will give you a soft spot for Jacob.

And Taylor's enthusiasm for being a part of the movies only makes it a slipperier slope.


Driguerra said...

@ Natalie

I agree I thank Taylor for his enthusiasm for Twilight. It is a good feeling to have him promoting the movie... can you imagine if we only had KStew... all of us would go sour, but Taylor makes us remember how it feel to be excited about the movies

Go Taylor Break a leg * :D *

kristi said...

love th potter reference with the curse!

i wanted more flirting from KS. she's a good bella but it sucked to see her smokin, kinda blew it for me.

and whoa Taylor is lookin good. of course i have been a fan of jacob the whole time tho. i kno, i kno...its an edward sin.

Spider Monkey said...

Happy Hour Sue! You hit the nail on the head w/KS... If that's how she flirts it's no wonder she's always in a pissy mood! However, I do not agree that I'll be able to go team Jacob. But I do think that Taylor is going to play the hell out of Jacob in New Moon! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Ugh... no flirting, no blushing... I felt like all we were getting the whole movie was a Bella Skeleton, or Bellaton- if you will. The bones were there, just none of the good flesh and blood stuff.

And I agree that the Jessica Stanleys of the world were well-represented.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to come out of hiding to say that you girls are made of all kinds of awesome.

Your rants about piss-ant and failcob make me lol.

Keep it coming lovelies!

Unknown said...

@ mrsrpattz - Welcome! We are so glad you came out of hiding. We've been looking for you. ;)

RacheLyn said...

I'm one of these girls who doesn't hate Jacob (Taylor) at all. I think he makes a good Jacob and is pretty cute too (well, for a 17 year old that is). Granted our Rob is WAY better!!! I consider myself team Bella...Why can't we all just get along!! :) If you have read all the books then you know everyone can co-exist and remain friends. Stop giving Jacob so much crap...he doesn't know yet that the reason he's attracted to Bella is something buried much deeper inside her! :) Just saying...I still love you girls!! :P