Friday, March 6, 2009

Twilight Deleted Scene

Thanks to our special correspondent Haley, otherwise known in the Superhero world as "Haleygolightly" for sharing this deleted scene clip with us. The League has decided to break it down.

Ok, I can see why this was cut out. Heart palpitations not-withstanding. It's just K.Stew I'm not digging. But I have to ask, is he actually biting her finger and tasting her blood? Because if so, where is the "frenzy"?

Can we say "stiff?" Because that's her performance in one word. Something tells me he's a little stiff too, but in a completely different way. I've got it! She must've been high during filming this scene. That's the only explanation I can come up with for why all of her clothes are still on after he does that.

as opposed to me, who doesn't have a stitch of clothing on now. Where's Mr. Ginger?

Is Kristen Stewart asexual because that is the only way I can explain how dull and lifeless she is while sex personified is biting her finger with a look that says things would get me arrested in some countries. If I was Bella there would be an unrated version of this scene being made, and we'd still be filming it.

Piss ant... that shows you what a seventeen year old would do in that situation....
Me, not so much! :)

Um, I'm pretty sure I would've hit that when I was 17.

You are such a LIAR!!! Not buying it!

Well, if I was younger, unmarried, and ran into him somehow I can GUARANTEE you that we wouldn't be discussing national debt. Morals don't apply to sex gods.

Morals also don't apply to hypothetical situations.


And if ever faced with the question of morals or Rob Pattinson may I suggest you consider the confessional booth after the fact.

Uhmmm, him sucking on my finger - it's all over! Nuff said!

Yeah, I doubt any of us would've heard Catherine yell "Cut!"

My finger is not really the part of me I'm interested in him sucking. Oh no... did I really just say that? And I'm the cleanest one of the four of us.

See? This is what this man does to us. *sigh*

post signature


~Jamie said...

It's a cute scene and all that, but yeah... it doesn't go with our twilight at all... glad they left it out...

imbeingheldhostage said...

Going to grab my heart meds real quick...

holy cow.

At first I was wishing I could bash the movie critic in me over the head as she shouted, "Edward wouldn't fall-- he doesn't trip or do clumsy bella things"

and then he bit her finger and panted...

yeah, going to breathe for a bit.

Bramblemoon Farm said...

That did nothing for me. Man, she was too stiff. I sure hope she warms up for the next one. I don't know, that was just dumb. Seems to me in the book she was touching his lips instead. Okay, have to go now...

Anonymous said...

Kristen Stewart swapped spit with Robert Pattinson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Oh for just one taste)

-Thank Zeus for out takes. 'cause ain't no how this scene was cannon.

-It's better in slow mo.

-Robert Pattinson is wasted on 18 year olds.I am invoking the Ashton and Demi clause...

Ps. Interview where Rob says he's waiting for the snuggles and wants us to feel like it's wrong...

around 6:20

Feelin' dirty,


Val said...

Um I think that the biting the finger didn't really fit being yes, there should be a "frenzy", so it wouldn't have fit in the movie. Now, like I said on Twitter yesterday, if he had sucked her finger maybe it could of worked, but how would we all reacted seeing that on the big screen? This might of been better to be seen in the comfort of our own homes! lol

Unknown said...

I agree with Valerie. This would have not fit in with Edward's character at all or with the book, but boy did it look good.

I think did read in an interview with KStew somewhere where she described this scene and she specifically said this was just them "improvising", so of course, it was out of character and did not fit the book at all.

I for one, and don't hate me for saying this, liked KStew/Bella in this scene. It shows sexual tension, which is what they would have had at this point in the movie (if it had ever been a part of the book), not the full blown sensuality that we see later in the bedroom scene.

Just my opinion.

Erin said...

**laughing**...okay...I'll try to compose myself

@Valerie I agree with you...

I don't think any of us would have lasted very long if he was sucking on her finger in the movie... (I'm sure that I wouldn't have taken my husband the second time to see it with me!)

Erin said...

Ladies...I was just browsing Pattinson Online and found a new posting today...MORE DELETED SCENES!

Here you go :)

Sue Wilkey said...

Holy mother could that boy get any hotter. How about his heavy breathing at the end. And the way he says "yeah!"**swoon***

KStew: what can i say. it's like they had the coffee girl be a stand in for the scene just so they could get the lighting right. In the words of Johnny Depp in Willy Wonka: "MUMBLER!"

Shana said...

I am SUCH a fragile human! Dude...I don't have words...seriously...

Anonymous said...

Spank: "Is Kristen Stewart asexual because that is the only way I can explain how dull and lifeless she is while sex personified is biting her finger with a look that says things would get me arrested in some countries."

enough said... enough said...

Erin said...

I would like to know how she didn't blush (EVER) when looking at him much less when he was saying anything...geez...

maybe Spank is right...she may just be asexual!

Sophie said...

"Is Kristen Stewart asexual because that is the only way I can explain how dull and lifeless she is while sex personified is biting her finger with a look that says things would get me arrested in some countries."

Can we just keep quoting that, Spank? You said it for all of us. The boy does leak sex. And KStew must've been high or just ugh, can she be that detached??

Val said...

Thought I'd check your new url, it worked and maybe I wanted to watch this scene one more, strike that, ten more times. lol

Unknown said...

@ Valerie: yeah, I had to check too... again... you know, to see... if it worked. Wait. I need to look again. :)

Jessica said...

Yes he is astonishingly hot, but so many things don't make sense w/ this scene. Part of me is excited of the raw sex pouring out of him, while the other is screaming at the impossibilities. The venom, the fact that Edward would never harm Bella, the frenzy, the clumsiness. All these things make it hard to enjoy RP.

RacheLyn said...

I remember the first time I watched this clip I felt very awkward. It's bad when your audience feels awkward watching it...I'm pretty sure that's why it didn't make it into the movie. Well, that and it didn't fit very well with the book. However, on another note...Rob (Edward) looked good enough to eat in this scene. Wow, I wish he would lick me like that. Hmmmm....wishful thinking!!! :)

Stacie said...

Okay girls - just had to tell you... last night I was with 3 other women (planning the best Twilight DVD release party ever) and we meandered over to your site. We watched the scene. It was warm here yesterday, but not hot. Suddenly, we all had silly perma-grins on our faces and were reaching for pieces of paper to fan ourselves with. I ignored KStew (or actually superimposed my face onto hers in my mind), so it was suddenly HOT in that room. We then decided paper fans with Edward's pictures will have to be distributed amongst the party guests.

sakixry said...

Hey girls!
Well... yeah. When I saw that scene for the first time I was like... feeling awkward too because I have read the Twilight saga so many times, I believe I know what the characters would say or do. It didnt fit into the movie at all because of the frenzy and of his temptation and craving for her blood and she also would never tempt him like that but on the other hand...
Oh my God... Oh my God... Oh my God... (said loud and slow...)
I will try to express myself in more than "Oh my God..."...
He is soooooooo damn H O T ! ! ! If it would be me in that scene, I would probably just faint from the whole enthusiasm! I also believe that KStew looks like that because she tries very hard not to be carried away and maybe attack him??? LOL
I sure hope so because I do like them a lot together. (Ok, I would like ME better with him but what can I do...)
Bite ME Edward... ;o)))

Unknown said...

@ sakixry - yes, yes: "Oh... My... God..." I have been saying that A LOT this weekend after watching this scene. ;)

sakixry said...

Spank you are a B A D girl *LOL*

Every night I go to sleep I wish I will dream about him... but I never do! I hate that!

Anonymous said...

she was stiff and almost ruined it LOL
he is so awesome, literally could do anything and i'd love him for it.
bella is not so mehhhh as kristen portrays her, especially in this scene. i was literally like, COMON KRISTEN! DAMN!
its redic. and yes we need to see the frenzy. haha!

sakixry said...

LIZ, you mean the frenzy because you want him to kill Kristen because she was so lame? LOL
I would like to see him have a different kind of frenzy... :o))))

kristy said...

AWKWARD scene.

not only that, but ----> this would have NEVER happened in the book, which means it doesn't work / make much sense in the movie either

and I really hate Rob as Edward.

Anonymous said...

Psoriasis cure aha aha

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Anonymous said...

you have a wonderful site!